Back in 2009, we were invited by Mendaki to participate in an initiative to provide primary school mathematics content in preparation for PSLE where student can have access to via a shared platform. We were among a few content providers who were invited to contribute resources towards the development of the site.
The effort lasted until 2011. The response from the net community has been great and encouraging but unfortunately due to our work commitments we were unable to continue beyond 2011. It remains so until now.
Today with a bit more time ( children have grown up) we thought we should continue on that effort with the intent of balancing community needs.
The community blog ( education4communitylearning) is still running but moving forward we will be doing most of the blogging on our new site. We hope we are able to put in as much enthusiasm and sincerity in this effort as in the previous by sharing what knowledge we have with those who share the same passion for the subject. Hope it helps, be happy and keep smiling.
Click this link to see videos on PSLE mathematics. Have fun and a nice day: